Women Empowerment


  • Help women particularly from scheduled castes, and landless families in accessing and establishing rights over resources to support livelihood, increase food security and increase decision making abilities
  • Bring women into mainstream of village development  
  • Establishing women’s rights over natural and family resources
  • Generating women’s collective voice over issues of domestic violence and sexual harassment


  • Formation of self help groups
  • Training programmes on gender sensitisation, entrepreneurship development, legal education, etc.
  • Exposure visits to government offices
  • Organisation of Mahila Kisan Abhiyan Cycle rally covering 65 villages for generating awareness on violence against women
  • Training to 160 anganwadi workers on gender sensitisation and legal aid
  • Jan Sunwai (public hearings) to resolve family disputes
  • Gender sensitisation programme for police department
  • Advocacy efforts


  • Formation of 120 SHGs with 2,000 members from 30 villages
  • 70 SHGs linked with  banks for availing CCL
  • 66 Women supported for income generation activities
  • Legal aid given to 55 women
  • 70 Family disputes resolved
  • Increase irrigation facility to 550 families
  • 950 Girls encouraged to take education
  • Women in 21 villages start participating in village development issues
  • 80 Women groups have become active in preventing child marriages
  • 95 Women groups acting as social action groups
  • 600 Instances where women have raised voice against violence against women
  • 300 Cases registered, 120 solved


  • Increase in annual income of 2,500 families by Rs 3,000
  • Formation of Shakti Sangh – a federation/social action group of 1,000 women working towards economic as well as social empowerment along with raising voice on violence against women
  • 63 Kinds of actions taken by Shakti Sangh
  • Natural resources management by women in village Ganj
  • 270 Hectares land developed under NRM programme by 114 Scheduled Caste families
  • Construction of three check dams and four community wells
  • 130 Families accepted concept of joint ownership of land and registered land in land records accordingly
  • 17 Villages where women have played instrumental role in village level decisions
  • Awareness generation among women on personal hygiene and environmental sanitation
  • Increase in food security