Vision, Mission and Strategies


Formation of an exploitation free society based on humane values that will cherish social justice where particularly women, dalits and landless laborers will be able to live a dignified life


Empowering deprived and vulnerable sections of society (particularly women and dalits) by

  • Helping them to assess their situation,
  • Providing them necessary information on various kinds of resources/rights, and
  • Encouraging them to reinstate basic rights to enter into the mainstream of development

Overall Strategies

  • To create awareness among women and dalits about different kinds of rights (in
    particular land rights, property rights, right to education, right of participation, etc.)
  • To create an atmosphere for alleviation of social inequalities by enabling people to help themselves
  • To use gender sensitisation and right based perspective as a cross cutting theme
  • To build capacities of target group
  • To conserve natural resources
  • To develop a model of sustainable development
  • To form various kinds of social action groups
  • To initiate and participate in advocacy efforts