Sustainable Agriculture and Land Rights


  • Help small / marginal farmers and landless laborers particularly belonging to schedules castes in accessing and establishing rights over land to support livelihood
  • Assessment of land related disputes [encroachment and ownership issues]
  • Identification of families for resolving land ownership issues 
  • Establishing women’s rights over land
  • Educate Support And Training to small and marginal farmers


  • Village level consultations
  • Jan Sunwai [Public Hearings]
  • Training Programs
  • Exposure Visits
  • Analyzing land maps
  • Formation of a forum-Bundelkhand Bhoomi Adhikar Manch
  • Developing dissemination material on land rights
  • Organization of a Mahila Kisan Abhiyan Rally
  • Land development


  • No. of public hearings held 7
  • No. of exposure visits conducted 11
  • No. of training programs organized-29 and
  • No. of people received training-900
  • Distribution of 90 acres of land
  • Awareness generation among 1734 women on their right to land
  • No. of women participated in Mahila Kisan Abhiyan Rally-4149
  • Dissemination / training material developed


  • Formation of Bundelkhand Bhoomi Adhikar Manch
  • Actions taken by Bundelkhand Bhoomi Adhikar Manch
  • No. of cases of disputes over land solved -460
  • Formation of a district level committee to resolve land issues
  • Actions taken by district level committee
  • No. of landless laborers turned their fortunes by becoming  farmers-102
  • Increase in income [Rs. 1200 per month]in case of 10 %  of families
  • Increase in food security [in case of 350 families for 6 months]
  • No. of families who have accepted joint [husband-wife] ownership of land-58
  • Instances of sensitized and responsive government machinery