Vegetable Farming on Scaffolding Hikes Profit

Ram Kripal, a farmer in Salarpur village used to raise vegetables in traditional way on 5 decimal land of his field during Rabi. Following the training, he decided to raise vegetable crops in jayad by scaffolding method. He made a scaffolding 115 ft. long and 65 ft. wide. He sowed bottle guard and brinjal by processing them with beejamrit. The distance between bottle guard plants was 10 ftx5 ft. and 161 saplings were planted. In the remaining space among bottle guard plants he planted 560 saplings of brinjal. He also planned to plant ginger between brinjal rows during rains. Thus he is taking three different crops from one place.

At the time of writing of this case study Ram Kripal had sold 11 quintals bottle guard at the rate of Rs 15 per kg in local market, fetching him Rs 16,500. His field had almost 6 quintals of bottle guard more. The bottle guard crop could be taken till September because owing to scaffolding the crop will not rot even during rains. Brinjal has also started giving produce.

vegetable cultivation scaffolding 2Ram Kripal is confident that by the end of September he would get a net income of Rs 1 lakh. He said that by this method spotless produce is obtained and the produce fetches better price. No chemical fertiliser was being used in to raise these crops.

Farmers from Kumhdaura, Shahpahari, Manjhalwara and Palka were brought in for exposure to Ram Kripal’s field. A total of 14 farmers have started raising crops by scaffolding method.

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