Re-writing Destiny by Natural Farming

Many farmers, including women farmers, in Mahoba district are re-writing their destiny by adopting natural farming, by decreasing their input cast and by using resources available in their homes and neighbourhood. They are increasing their returns from the farming and are on the way to lead a better and happier life.

One such farmer is Malti, residing at Mirtala village in Kabrai block. Farming is the main occupation of her family. She was perplexed over increasing input cost and decreasing productivity. She had to spend thousands of rupees on fertilisers and pesticides every year. On top of it change in weather pattern also hit her adversely.

Another farmer is Ramkunwar at Sabua village in Charkhari village. Farming is also the main occupation of her family. She used to face difficulties as the cost was increasing and yield was decreasing. 

Both met with the workers of Gramonnati Sansthan. They were linked with the women users’ group and given training and tools to do organic farming. They got soil of their fields examined. They got training in ghanjeevamrit (solid manure), jeevamrit (liquid manure), neemastra and agniastra (both pesticides).

Malti began with cultivating groundnut on a bigha (nearly one-fifth of a hectare) of land and got yield of 350-400 kg, while she used to get a maximum 340 kg by using fertilisers. The organic produce was of better quality and fetched better price in the market. Moreover, moisture stayed in the field for a longer duration, reducing the number of irrigation cycles while raising a crop.  

Ramkunwar cultivates organic vegetables with excellent results. The produce is better and tastier. In her field also moisture stayed for longer duration, and she had to irrigate the field lesser times while raising a crop.

They are practising organic farming for the last three years and are on the way to lead better and happier lives.

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